JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has secured 22 fishing vessels because it is suspected that they often operate not in accordance with the Fish Fishing Area (DPI).

The Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) of the KKP, Adin Nurawaluddin, said that as many as 22 ships were secured to be given an understanding of the limits of fishing areas according to their permits.

"We have ordered 22 fishing vessels caught by the Supervisory Ship to migrate permits. We also carry out socialization and a persuasive approach to fishermen so that they immediately migrate to central permits," Adin said in his official statement, quoted Friday, August 4.

All of these ships were secured after the KKP through the Directorate General of PSDKP collected data on regional permit ships suspected of often operating over 12 miles.

As stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing, ships with regional permits are only allowed to operate up to 12 nautical miles.

That way, said Adin, fishing vessels with regional permits but want to operate over 12 miles, must comply with laws and regulations by migrating into central permits.

Based on KKP data, there are 818 fishing vessels spread across 14 UPTs of the Directorate General of PSDKP that have been encouraged to migrate their permits until July 30, 2023.

In addition, there are several ship owners who voluntarily apply for their own permit migration to the PSDKP Base/State.

"So, as many as 466 fishing vessels have been processed for the migration of business licensing," he said.

The actions taken by Adin and his team are a follow-up to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. B.701/MEN-KP/VI/2023 concerning Migration of Business Licensing for Subsectors for Fish Fishing and Business Licensing for Fish Transportation Subsectors.

Adin said that regulating fishing zones is an important thing to do. "The goal is that catch fish are adjusted to the quota for permits for their fishing areas, so that fishing activities can be controlled and free from overfishing," he added.

Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono was optimistic that the Quota-based measured fishing (PIT) policy was able to prevent illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing (IUU Fishing).

Therefore, his party encourages the ranks of the Directorate General of PSDKP to continue to increase supervision of fishing vessels that have the potential to violate fishing routes, as well as DPI to ensure the success of the quota-based PIT policy and support sustainable National Fisheries Governance.

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