JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) together with Commission IV of the DPR RI synergize to increase fish farming productivity in South Lampung, Lampung Province.
Through this synergy, the two of them provide assistance to cultivators, ranging from production infrastructure to assistance in innovative and environmentally friendly cultivation activities.
"KKP continues to encourage leading commodity-based areas by synergizing various potentials to encourage the development of competitive and sustainable fish cultivation businesses," said Director General of Aquaculture Tb Haeru Rahayu in an official statement, Wednesday, August 2.
The Director-General who is often called Tebe said, overall, the support of the KKP and Commission IV for increasing cultivator productivity in South Lampung includes providing fish and shrimp seeds, tissue cannabis seeds, ornamental fish cultivation facilities, catfish and tilapia bioflok, mills, excavators, rehabilitation of pond irrigation canals, and also independent fish feed machines.
The KKP also provides assistance and technical guidance for fish farming in the area nicknamed the Krakatau Gate, by encouraging cultivators to apply the rules of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) or Good Fish Cultivation Methods (CBIB), Good Fish Improvement Practices (CPIB), and Good Fish Feed Manufacturing Practices (CPPIB).
According to Tebe, Palas District is one of the areas in South Lampung that has great potential for the development of freshwater farming fisheries, plus this area has sufficient water supply, large land, and has the most fish cultivators in South Lampung.
Through this provision of assistance and support, it is hoped that superior commodities in the area such as catfish and catfish can be boosted in terms of yields and product quality, so that they can contribute to community food security.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sudin, also encouraged fish cultivators to carry out innovations that could increase the competitiveness of the products produced, so that they could penetrate the export market.
He also hopes that the KKP will continue to provide assistance and technical guidance to cultivate good and correct fish, so that the freshwater farming business in South Lampung continues to grow and develop downstream.
"We are here to establish a gathering and joint discussion to increase the productivity of fisheries in good cultivation," he said.
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