JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) invites domestic tourists (wisnus) and foreign tourists (tourists) to visit and experience firsthand traveling in Indonesia which is safe, comfortable, fun, and free of terms (seamless experience) after the government officially revokes Indonesia's status from a pandemic to an endemic.

Deputy for Strategic Policy at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Nia Niscaya said the decision had an impact on the development and progress of tourism and Indonesia's creative economy.

Especially, in terms of increasing tourism competitiveness from competing countries. Then, also provide seamless experience for tourists because there is no need for efforts to meet travel requirements such as vaccination obligations.

"Because in some countries vaccination is a human right, so the government cannot force it. This is indeed quite challenging at that time the conditions for entering Indonesia, and now for domestic tourists, let's take #DiIndonesiaAja because of course this will increase the love for the country and increase economic movement," Nia said in a written statement, Tuesday, June 27.

Nia also highlighted the issue of the decision of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-01.GR.01.07 of 2023 concerning the Temporary Suspension of Visa-Free Visits for the State, Government, Special Administrative Region of a State and Certain Identity for 159 countries. He emphasized that this policy is temporary and will be studied more deeply by related parties such as the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"So, it is too premature if we immediately say that this policy has an impact on decreasing tourists. At least we need to wait for the next two to three months to be able to see the impact," he said.

He added that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will always be ready to help and collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights if it is necessary to support thoughts and suggestions for evaluating the visa-free policy for foreign tourists.

"Hopefully, if later visas are enforced again, of course we must meet three criteria. First, the reciprocal aspect. Then, the policy is given to countries that will provide benefits to Indonesia, and lastly pay attention to the security aspect," said Nia.

In addition, Nia also appreciated the quick action taken by the police in handling extortion or blasphemy against foreign tourists by individuals in Bali which went viral on social media. This incident was feared to have a negative impact on the image of Indonesian tourism, especially Bali.

"Because Bali is a main tourist destination. This incident occurred when Bali was intensively promoting itself as a quality, sustainable, safe, comfortable, and fun tourism destination for tourists from all over the world," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Bali Province Office, Tjok Bagus Pemayun, deeply regretted the actions of these irresponsible individuals. In the midst of efforts to organize Bali tourism, especially for foreign tourists, negative behavior emerged from the local community itself.

"We have coordinated our speed in dealing with issues in the field with even now some district/city friends have formed a task force that can really be easier to coordinate with in dealing with things like this," he said.

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