JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the DPR from the Gerindra faction, Andre Rosiade, assessed that the import of electric rail (KRL) was very urgent to meet needs. Therefore, he asked the government to immediately hold a meeting to decide on this import plan.

"We are tapping the government's heart for an immediate meeting of the government, we will decide immediately for these 12 trainsets so that they can help train children during peak hours. That's what we ask for," he told reporters written Friday, June 16.

Moreover, said Andre, the Ministry of SOEs has also promised to sit with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves), the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to decide on this import plan.

"The government has promised that since Ramadan, before Lebaran 2023, before Mr. Tiko's recess (Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo) has promised a meeting. Until now not yet. Last week I asked too. My hope is that the government will knock on his heart to see (condition during peak hours)," he said.

Regarding KRL imports, Andre admitted that initially he did not approve the plan of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). However, after trying the mode of transportation during peak hours in the morning to go to work at the DPR Building, his views changed.

Andre admits that this KRL import is indeed needed to meet the needs of users of this mode of transportation service. The reason, said Andre, is that during hours of busy going and returning to work, train passengers are crammed. He likens it to cendol.

"I am a person who refuses to import. But because I see the situation at peak hours between 6-9 am and also at 4-8 pm it is really needed, yes we have to support it. In 2024 we will backscatter, 2025 is just being produced by INKA," he said.

In fact, Andre challenged the minister who did not approve of the KRL import to try using this mode of transportation during peak hours to see the actual conditions on the ground.

"If there are also those who refuse, I suggest ministers come to the field, try. Check for yourself how the suffering of the Indonesian people who are this young train. So please take pro-people policies," he said.

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