Entering the first week of June 2023, the Food SOE Holding ID FOOD has held Government Food Assistance for Complete Stunting Handling reaching 100 percent in Central Java Province. Meanwhile, for the other three distribution areas, namely Banten Province, West Java and East Java, the realization of the distribution is almost close to 100 percent.
This was said by VP of Trade Logistics ID FOOD Ferry Fardiansyah Marzuki when he was one of the speakers at the CPP Distribution Activity Evaluation Coordination Meeting for food assistance in the Central Java area which took place at the MG Setos Hotel, Semarang, Monday 5 June.
As of June 4, 2023, Government Food Assistance for Stunting Handling has been fully distributed to 7 distribution areas, including Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, West Sulawesi and NTT.
The details of the realization figures for the 7 regions are as follows: Banten 64,672 KRS (99.9 percent), West Java: 410,281 KRS (99.9 percent), Central Java: 322,497 KRS (100 percent), East Java: 369,722 KRS (98.7 percent), North Sumatra: 101,114 KRS (72.5 percent), East Nusa Tenggara 12,134 (10.7 percent), and West Sulawesi 4291 (21.1 percent).
The realization of stunting food assistance that ID FOOD has achieved reached 1,217,100 Stunting Risk Families (KRS) (84.20 percent). Referring to this achievement, Central Java has indeed penetrated 100 percent, while West Java, Central Java and Banten have almost penetrated 100 percent. In the future, said Ferry, his party will pursue distribution realization in the other three provinces according to the number of KRS and deadlines set by the National Food Agency (Bapanas).
"ID FOOD is honored to have the trust of the government through Bapanas to run the government's food assistance program for stunting prevention. Related to this, we will carry out the assignment as well as possible, therefore ID FOOD through PT Berdikari and PT Rajawali Nusindo are fully committed to the provision of quality products that meet the standards of Safe, Healthy, Utuh, and Halal (ASUH) in collaboration with people's breeders and Pinsar Cooperatives in the Central Java region," he said, quoted Wednesday, June 7.
In addition, the provision of food assistance is in collaboration with local farmer partners who have previously been checked through qualifications and recommendations to ensure that it is in accordance with the standards set by the National Food Agency.
"In short, through this stunting food assistance program, ID FOOD groups help empower local chicken farmers," he explained.
Director of Courier and Logistics Business of PT Pos Indonesia Siti Choiriana, in Semarang, Central Java, Monday, said that the achievement of CPP distribution in Central Java was the highest compared to six other provinces.
In addition, Pos Indonesia also distributes CPP in three other provinces on the island of Java, namely Banten, West Java, and East Java, with achievements above 98 percent.
"This success cannot be separated from the availability of the Pos Indonesia network throughout Indonesia and the coordination that is well established with other institutions or agencies," said Siti Choiriana. CPP distribution is a government program through the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and BKKBN which involves ID Food and Perum Bulog as providers of rice, eggs and chickens. Meanwhile, distribution is carried out by Pos Indonesia and other expedition companies.
He mentioned at least 15,315 human resources and 6,410 Pos Indonesia facilities in seven provinces involved in the distribution of stunting alleviation food aid to ensure that assistance reaches recipients.
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