JAKARTA - Pelindo Group through PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL provides an additional discount on the Cibitung-Cilincing (JTCC) Toll Road tariff of up to 55 percent.

This tariff discount is given in order to increase the smooth flow of goods to support national economic growth.

President Director of SPSL Joko Noerhudha said this discount was valid starting May 12, 2023 at 00.00 WIB until June 30, 2023 at 00.00 WIB.

"The provision of an additional discount for this tariff is one of the steps taken by PT Pelindo Solusi Logistics or SPSL which is part of the Pelindo group, in order to support the smooth running of logistics and is one of the joint efforts to strengthen economic growth, strengthen supply chains and logistics ecosystems," he said in Jakarta, written on Sunday, May 14.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), said Joko, Indonesia's economic growth in the first quarter of 2023 was recorded at 5.03 percent (yoy), slightly increasing compared to growth in the previous quarter of 5.01 percent (yoy).

In terms of production, said Joko, the Transportation and Warehousing Business Fields experienced the highest growth of 15.93 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Export and Services component experienced the highest growth of 11.68 percent.

"This indicates that Indonesia's economic growth remains strong amid the slowdown in the global economy," he explained.

Joko said, in the future, access development will also be carried out that will connect Kalibaru terminal, Tanjung Priok with JTCC and the JTCC section is also planned to build a rest area & logistics hub to facilitate integrated logistics activities within one area.

According to him, this is a form of corporate commitment to provide the best and leading logistics solutions that are integrated in order to encourage trade and increase national economic growth.

"This commitment is of course supported by the latest loading and unloading systems and complete infrastructure in the port area," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Tollways or PT CTP Ari Sunaryono conveyed that the implementation of the extension and addition of the JTCC toll tariff discount is a form of the Company's support to provide the right solution in unraveling traffic jams in the distribution of goods.

"Ensure that the flow of goods remains smooth and safe, encourages the surrounding economy, and as a form of service and appreciation of the Company for toll road users," he explained.

The following is an additional JTCC rate discount:

1. Cibitung-Telaga Asih

2. Cibitung-Gabus

3. Cibitung-Tarumajaya

4. Cibitung-Marunda

5. Telaga Asih-Gabus

6. Telaga Asih-Tarumajaya

7. Telaga Asih-Marunda

8. Gabus-Tarumajaya

9. Gabus-Marunda

For your information, the amount of this tariff also applies to the other way around. JTCC uses a closed transaction system, users are required to use the same e-toll card.

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