Highest In History, PLN Earns Net Profit Of IDR 14.4 Trillion
PLN (Photo: Doc. PLN)

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) has again set a record for the best financial performance in history with a net profit of IDR 14.4 trillion in 2022. This figure is 124 percent higher than the target set by the Government of IDR 6.4 trillion.

President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, PLN managed to get through the difficult times that at that time were predicted by many corporations to fall. The transformation carried out by PLN is the key to the success of the company.

This achievement is not just a number. Behind it all, there is hard work, dedication, and loyalty of all PLN personnel who carry out transformations with the foundation of digitalization. President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo in a statement to the media, Wednesday, May 3.

He added that PLN also succeeded in increasing electricity sales by 6.3 percent from 257.6 Terrawat hour (TWh) in 2021, to 273.8 TWh in 2022. This has an impact on increasing electricity sales revenue by 7.7 percent from IDR 288.9 trillion in 2021, to IDR 311.1 trillion in 2022.

Darmawan also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Government, because this positive performance cannot be separated from the support of the Government, especially the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Finance.

"We are very grateful to the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Finance. In addition to the extraordinary support provided to us, the Government has also succeeded in creating a conducive investment climate and is able to maintain people's purchasing power, so that electricity consumption increases," said Darmawan.

This success was also achieved by PLN thanks to efforts to achieve efficiency through end-to-end digital transformation. Starting from digitizing the generating system, transmitting, distribution, procurement, controlling the financial system, to the asset monitoring system, the results of the business process are more effective and on target.

Thanks to all these efforts, PLN services that were previously widely complained about, are now appreciated by customers, either directly or delivered through the PLN Mobile application. In fact, PLN also received recognition from stakeholders in the form of more than 300 awards received throughout 2022.

"As the heart of the Indonesian economy, PLN is committed to continuing to improve its performance in order to provide reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity. We also continue to accelerate the energy transition in order to achieve national energy independence and sovereignty," concluded Darmawan.

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