The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has proposed additional state capital participation (PMN) for the 2023 fiscal year of IDR 25 trillion to Commission VI of the DPR.

The plan is that this budget will be used for funding a number of BUMN Karya.

This was conveyed by the Deputy Minister of BUMN II, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo in a meeting with Commission VI of the DPR, Wednesday, April 12.

"We plan to apply for an additional PMN of IDR 25 trillion for several state-owned enterprises. We will submit it after the recess," said Kartika.

Tiko, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo's nickname, said that the additional state capital was carried out because the state-owned dividend payment to the state was projected to reach Rp80 trillion.

This figure exceeds the target set at IDR 50 trillion.

"From the glasses of depositing dividends, God willing, we can achieve the target and exceed the target submitted of Rp. 50 trillion, we can pay Rp. 80 trillion, so there is an excess of Rp. 30 trillion from the initial target," he said.

Tiko said SOE Minister Erick Thohir is committed to increasing the deposit of state-owned companies in 2024 to be equivalent to the total PMN that has been distributed by the government.

"In 2024 we will increase our dividends again, which this year God willing, it can be IDR 80 trillion. Later in total in the 2016-2024 period, the total number of our PMN will be the same as the dividends we pay," he said.

"This is a commitment that we maintain, so that later in the 2024 period we can complete it with the hope that our beginning will be together," he said.

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