JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji revealed that the fuel facilities and facilities along the homecoming route are confirmed to be ready.

Tutuka added that the Directorate General of Oil and Gas has carried out direct monitoring in the field regarding the availability of fuel for the community in order to welcome the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

"Last week we carried out monitoring of fuel availability at gas stations along the Pantura route to Semarang and preparations for the 1444 H Eid Al-Fitr holiday, according to us, we are ready from planning and implementation," said Tutuka in a press conference quoted on Tuesday, April 11.

According to Tutuka, currently what needs to be understood together is that this year's fuel consumption pattern with the previous year will be different because the holiday time this year is longer so it is estimated that the peak of the long holiday will not drop downward but about two weeks will be at the peak.

The pattern is different from the previous year where the holiday time was short, so it took a long time to supply the amount of supply at the peak.

"The plan has seen this indication so that it is quite good in terms of planning, secondly in terms of infrastructure, the tank-tangki system has also been prepared and the distribution system to gas stations is ready. If there is an increase in peaks, additional tanks will also be prepared, as well as additional tank cars and personnel on standby 24 hours, so from the internal side of Pertamina Patra Niaga is ready," said Tutuka.

Adding that the Director General of Oil and Gas, Regional Marketing Director of Pt Pertamina Patra Niaga Mars Ega Legowo Putra emphasized that to provide the best service to the community, we have prepared several programs. In addition to maintaining the availability of fuel stocks, starting April 1, the internal task force has also prepared an internal task force, where this task force is currently building stock at gas stations so we hope that people will not have trouble getting fuel at gas stations.

"Although our stock at the refinery is good, at the terminal it is good, but what we have to make sure is the availability up to the gas station and to be sure, we have coordinated with the police so that this process has an escort at our terminal, the escort is supplied with a tank car and escort at the gas station," said Ega.

In addition, Pertamina Patra Niaga has also prepared 7,400 gas stations, there are 1,500 gas stations that will operate 24 hours, we have also prepared 5,400 LPG agents which we will operate as long as the Command Post operates, 42 new modular gas stations, especially in non-toll service on the southern route.

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