JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said the government would limit logistics vehicle traffic during the Eid al-Fitr 2023 homecoming season. This was conveyed by Budi in a working meeting with Commission V of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 4. "We also limit logistic vehicles basically on a certain day later the Directorate General of Land will announce what day is not allowed," said Budi. Budi revealed that there are dynamics related to the mobility restrictions of this logistics vehicle. Especially food and beverage transportation vehicles (mamins) that ask to be excluded from restrictions. Indeed, there are dynamics related to drinking cars asking for permission. But when I report to the President, it is permissible, but it cannot be three axes,'' he said. Furthermore, Budi said that supervision of logistics vehicle traffic in particular the mamin is handed over to the traffic corps (Korlantas).' Later we ask those who are good, and the Traffic Corps who are entitled to stop the movement of the food and beverage if he uses a large vehicle,'' he said. Previously, the Minister of Transportation explained that the government would prohibit the mobility of cars or trucks transporting goods during the Eid al-Fitr 2023 homecoming flow. This is because the road capacity will decrease if there is still a three-axis good car passing by. Thus, it will affect the speed of the vehicle. However, Budi said, there are several exceptions for goods transporting cars. For example, oil-fuel transport cars (BBM). Excluding those are BBM, BBG, livestock, fertilizers, money supply, basic ingredients including vegetables of homecoming or homecoming motorbikes,' he said.

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