PT PLN (Persero) provides discount promos to customers who want to increase their electricity through the Terangi Ramadhan 2023 program. This promo is in the form of a special price of Rp202,300 for additional electricity for 450 Volt Ampere (VA) customers to 5,500 VA power through the PLN Mobile application. This promo is valid until April 30, 2023.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN again gave discounts to customers at special prices in the month full of blessings for additional electric power by only paying Rp202,300 through the PLN Mobile application. This promo Explains Ramadhan 2023 can be followed by customers of all tariff groups, except for the Social tariff group with the allocation of houses of worship.

"This is good news for all Indonesian people, because in this blessed month PLN also provides a special price of only Rp. 200 thousand for the cost of connecting the power to 5,500 VA power," Darmawan told the media, Friday, March 24.

Through this promo, he continued, customers who want to increase their power from 450 VA to 5,500 VA can save costs much cheaper than normal rates by only paying a connection fee of Rp202,300.

When referring to the normal price, the cost of increasing power from 450 VA to 1,300 VA that must be spent by customers is IDR 796,450. Meanwhile, the increase in power from 450 VA to 5,500 VA costs a normal fee of IDR 4,893,450.

"So it can be ascertained how much savings customers get by participating in the program promo Terangi Ramadhan," he said.

Furthermore, Darmawan hopes that the public can make the best use of this program by submitting it through the PLN Mobile application.

"Customers who want to take part in this program are quite easy, by submitting applications through PLN Mobile. There is no need to come to the PLN office, no need for costs, enough from home. Later our officers will come. This program is valid until April 30, 2023, so I hope this can be used and utilized as best as possible by the community," said Darmawan.

The existence of PLN Mobile is currently continuing Darmawan to support electrifying lifestyle by making it easier for customers to carry out all activities using electricity. People who want to increase power and apply for electric installation can also directly apply for it through the PLN Mobile application.

"We continue to strive to make it easier for customers to get access to their services, including power change services through the PLN Mobile application," he concluded.

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