JAKARTA - The Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Task Force (BLBI Task Force) summoned the President Director of MIND ID, Hendi Prio. The summons is in his capacity as a debtor.

Responding to this, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that Hendi's summons by the BLBI Task Force had nothing to do with cases in BUMN.

"It's an individual process, I don't think it's a BUMN case," he told reporters written Tuesday, March 21.

The summons was related to the Hendi issue personally, related to the state collection rights of BLBI funds worth Rp. 10.93 billion received by PT Perdiricipta Multifinance. Where Hendi previously served as Deputy President Director at the non-BUMN company.

Therefore, Erick admitted that he would wait for the process that took place by the BLBI Task Force. If later proven to have violated the law, Erick admitted that he did not hesitate to remove it.

"We have to prove first that if the person concerned has a legal problem, we will definitely replace it. But the process should take place first, because we don't know the details," he said.

Regarding the development of Hendri's summons, Erick admitted that the Ministry of SOEs had not received further information.

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