JAKARTA PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) is said to have succeeded in revamping slum areas and extreme poverty in Panjunan, Cirebon City into habitable housing areas.

President Director of SMF Ananta Wiyogo said this was a form of commitment to the Home Quality Improvement Program in the Kumuh Region which was the result of collaboration with the Cirebon City Government, the Ministry of PUPR, and the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture.

"A total of 27 uninhabitable houses are repaired in the densely populated area," he said in a press statement quoted on Tuesday, March 21.

According to Ananta, as the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicle (SMV), his party continues to strive for the achievement of sustainable development goals.

"Not only habitable, we hope that the Panjunan area can develop local tourism potential close to coastal areas north of Java," he said.

Ananta explained that about 88 percent of Panjunan residents work in the marine and fisheries sector. He said, the condition of the settlements around him was quite alarming. Apart from being crowded, most of the residents' residences stood with roofs and walls that were fragile and eroded by the hardness of the sea weather for years.

"We want the beneficiaries of this program to be able to maintain and care for the house so that it can provide benefits in the long term," he said.

On the same occasion, Deputy Mayor of Cirebon, Eti Herawati, expressed her gratitude and gratitude for the realization of the Home Quality Improvement Program in the Slum Area by SMF.

"This is a form of good intentions and our joint commitment in carrying out support for handling unsuitable settlements," said Eti.

In addition to building 27 livable houses, SMF also distributed assistance of Rp. 25 million to local MSME activists.

To note, throughout 2022 the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) of the Ministry of Finance has built 147 habitable houses with an absorption of a budget of IDR 10.4 billion.

The funds were distributed to five locations, namely in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, Surakarta, Central Java, Cirebon, West Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, and Medan, North Sumatra.

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