YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian government continues to focus on maintaining national economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the efforts made is through the Super Micro KUR program. KUR is presented as an easy and cheap credit for the community, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). What is Super Micro KUR?

Airlangga Hartarto, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, continues to encourage novice MSME players to take advantage of KUR, especially Super Micro KUR. This KUR is intended for productive MSMEs that do not have enough collateral to apply for financing, commonly called feasible but unbankable.

Airlangga Hartarto said Super Micro KUR is optimized for workers affected by layoffs or layoffs and housewives who have productive businesses. What are the provisions of Super Micro KUR?

Super Micro KUR is a credit program provided by the government with interest subsidies to ease creditors. Margin interest/subsidy subsidies are given to KUR debtors, including credit guarantees, so that people who need it are easy to access them.

The main distribution of KUR is to help productive MSMEs who do not have enough collateral to access credit. The government continues to encourage MSME players to take advantage of Super Micro KUR, especially for novice MSMEs. Super Micro KUR is optimized for workers affected by layoffs and IRT who run productive businesses.

The government lowered the Super Micro KUR rate in 2023 from 6% to 3% effective per year. This policy was taken to increase new debtors and expand access to financing for MSMEs.

"The government has lowered the super micro KUR interest rate to 3 percent to face the risk of stagflation and a form of partiality to workers affected by layoffs and housewives who run productive businesses," said Airlangga in an official statement, Sunday (19/3/2023).

Requirements for accessing Super Micro KUR are also easier than credit programs in general. There is no requirement for a minimum of 6 months of business as in other KUR schemes. Prospective creditors are sufficient by having sufficient evidence to have attended training or assistance from families who already have businesses.

KUR distribution in 2023 is targeted at IDR 450 trillion, according to the adequacy of this year's APBN. The government has also set a target for adding new KUR debtors, at least 2.36 million debtors.

Susiwijono Moegiarso, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, said that the target was set to encourage the increase in the portion of MSME loans to bank credit to a minimum of 30 percent by 2024.

"The government continues to encourage the increase in the portion of MSME loans to bank credit in accordance with our provisions and policies to a minimum of 30% by 2024. The achievement of the target portion of MSME loans is expected to accelerate the creation of new businesses in the MSME sector, and be able to reduce poverty and unemployment levels," said Susiwijono.

The loan ceiling provided in the Super Micro KUR is a maximum of IDR 10 million. The amount of the loan is only given to prospective debtors who have never registered or accessed KUR financing.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai apa itu KUR Super Mikro dan ketentuan pengajuan dan pembiayaannya. KUR ini dihadirkan guna memudahkan UMKM pembakal yang belum memiliki cukup agunan untuk bisa mengakses pembiayaan. Program ini juga dioptimalikan kepada pekerja kerja sakit dan IRT yang memiliki usaha produktif. Dengan adanya program ini diharapkan UMKM yang feasible namun unbankable, bisa semakin bebung dengan bantuan pembiayaan.

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