Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Eddy Soeparno urged Pertamina to conduct an internal audit of the fire incident that hit the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, North Jakarta on Friday, March 3.

"We ask Pertamina to conduct an investigative audit, which includes technical audits, procedural audits, safety audits and audits of depot management management so that we can find out the cause of the fire and to of course prevent similar incidents from recurring," said Eddy in a statement to the media quoted Monday, March 6.

Eddy also asked the security forces to carry out an in-depth investigation to determine the cause of the fire. This is because of mismanagement or sabotage, considering that these depots are vital objects that are very important for the distribution of fuel.

"Next, we also ask Pertamina to be responsible for the health costs of the residents affected by the fire and also to replace the houses where residents were burned down who were affected by the fire," continued Eddy.

As the head of Commission VII in charge of energy and mineral resources (ESDM), he will also immediately summon the Pertamina Board of Directors during the upcoming session. This is to obtain clear information regarding the cause of the incident.

"As well as to find out the follow-up to the investigation that has been carried out by Pertamina, so that similar cases do not happen again. Considering previously there were also cases of fires at several Pertamina refineries, such as Pertamina's refinery in Cilacap and Balikpapan the previous year," he concluded.

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