JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) revealed 11 criteria regarding the fundamental conditions and liquidity of the company's stock trading that are included in the special monitoring board.

"If the company fulfills or is subject to one of these criteria, then the shares will then be placed on a special monitoring board," said IDX Director of Corporate Assessment I Gede Nyoman Yetna quoting Antara, Wednesday, March 1.

Nyoman explained the criteria first, the average share price over the past six months in the regular market and/or regular marketperiodic call authorization less than IDR 51.00, and secondly, the audit audit's financial report received the opinion of not expressing the opinion (disclaimer).

Furthermore, third, there is no income or no revenue change in the audit audit audit financial report and/or the latest interim financial report compared to the previous financial report.

Fourth, mining mining companies or parent companies from mineral and coal mining companies that have not received revenue from core business until the fourth financial year) since they were listed on the Exchange;

Then, fifth, having negative equity in the latest financial reports, and sixth, does not meet the requirements to be able to remain listed on the Exchange as stipulated in Regulation Number IA and Regulation Number I-V, namely related to free float share ownership.

Seventh, low liquidity with a daily average transaction value criterion of less than IDR 5 million in shares and daily average transaction volume of less than 10,000 shares over the past six months in the regular market and/or regularperiodic call authorization.

Eighth, the company was recorded as being applied for by PKPU, bankruptcy, or cancellation of peace which had a material impact on the condition of the listed company.

Kesembilan, anak perusahaan yang kontribusi pendapatannya material, dalam kondisi dimintakan PKPU, bankrupt, atau pembatalkan perdamaian yang berdampak material terhadap kondisi Perusahaan Tercatat;

Furthermore, tenth, it is imposed a temporary suspension of securities trading for more than one day the exchange caused by trading activities.; and Eleventh, other conditions set by the stock exchange after obtaining approval or orders from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Nyoman explained that the stock criteria that enter the special monitoring board are determined in the stock exchange regulation number I-X concerning the placement of recording effects of equity on special monitoring boards.

He said the implementation of special monitoring boards was divided into two stages, namely hybrid call authorization which was targeted at the beginning of 2023 and full call authorization according to further OJK directives.

In the first stage of hybrid call authorization, only a part of the shares on the special monitoring board will be traded periodically call authorization.

The stock criteria in the special monitoring board that will be traded periodically call authorization at the hybrid call auction stage are stocks that are only subject to low liquidity criteria.

"The criterion with a daily average transaction value of less than IDR 5 million and a daily average transaction volume of less than 10 thousand shares over the past six months in the regular market and/or regular market periodic call authorization," said Nyoman.

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