JAKARTA - The construction of the Jakarta Phase 3 East-West MRT which stretches from Balaraja, Tangerang, to Cikarang, West Java, will begin soon. Later, the construction of the modern transportation mode will be divided into two phases, namely 1 and 2.

In phase 1, the construction through Jakarta and parts of West Java, will be divided into two, consisting of Phase 1 stage 1 from Tomang to Medan Satria, Bekasi. Phase 1 stage 2 from Kembangan to Tomang.

Then, phase 2 has two regions, namely West Java and Banten. The West Java region covers the Medan Satria area to Cikarang, along about 20 kilometers. Then, from Kembangan to Balaraja, Tangerang, about 24 kilometers.

MRT Jakarta President Director Tuhiyat said, in phase 1 stage 1, supervision will be carried out by the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation (DJKA Kemenhub).

"Then, the study was carried out by the Jakarta Metro Consultant Association. This is under JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Then, the potential financial firm is JICA in collaboration with ADB (Asian Development Bank)," he said at a press conference at the Jakarta MRT Office, Thursday, February 23.

Later, phase 1 stage 2 will also be supervised by the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA. Meanwhile, the study will be conducted by JMCA and JICA again as potential financial workers.

"I hope that there are other investors working with JICA. Is it European Investment Bank (EIB) or something else. Because, one project seems a bit difficult (Moreover) only one source of resources from financing. This is in order to facilitate funding," said Tuhiyat.

Furthermore, said Tuhiyat, his party is still waiting for potential financing for phase 2 in the implementation of the East-West MRT construction. According to him, there are several parties who have expressed interest.

"The progress as of today, those who are already interested are the United Kingdom Export Finance (UKEF)," he said.

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