JAKARTA - PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) as a state-owned company is targeting the construction of the SPAM Drinking Water Transmission Network (Sports Supply System) Package 1 to support the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago by August 2023.

Director of Operations II Brantas Abipraya Purnomo said that his party showed his seriousness in participating in the development of IKN infrastructure in East Kalimantan (Kaltim). One of them is by strengthening clean water infrastructure in IKN, through the SPAM Drinking Water Transmission Network Development project (System for Drinking Water Supply) Package 1. This project has also started since the signing of the contract on February 9, 2023 and is targeted for completion in August 2023.

"The development of this SPAM is Brantas Abipraya's effort to support the assurance of infrastructure and support the activities of all residents in IKN who meet the socio-economic and environmental sustainability aspects. Not only that, this development also aims to realize the basic engineering design of integrated infrastructure planning which carries out sustainability, smart, modern international standards," said Purnomo in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, February 21.

Adapun ruang lingkap pekerjaan Brantas Abipraya adalah menyusun konsep desain, mapping, dokumen dan gambar dasar infrastruktur, gambar perbangkaian (sistem jaringan, arah trase, lokasi dan kapasitas yang diperlukan).

In addition, as a contractor, Brantas Abipraya also identifies and allocates risks to infrastructure development, as well as identification and infrastructure land needs which include the basic design of SPAM, sanitation management system (waste and wastewater), environmental drainage supply system and fire protection system.

As is known, currently Brantas Abipraya is also working on the completion of the Sepaku Semoi Dam, the National Advertisement Phase I, the construction of the KIPP Embung, the Sepaku River Flood, the construction of the IKN Segmen Karangjoang - KKT Kariangau Toll Road.

"The construction of the Sepaku Package 1 Drinking Water Transmission Network (Sports Supply System) is a contribution and active role for Brantas Abipraya in meeting the drinking water needs of the people in IKN through quality infrastructure," said Purnomo.

Brantas Abipraya will continue to focus and contribute fully, working even harder for national infrastructure. This BUMN Karya will commit to supporting the government in the context of building a new IKN or capital in East Kalimantan.

Known as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) for the construction of the champion of dam, Brantas Abipraya has also worked on several previous SPAMs, one of which is SPAM Umbulan which is located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java. The project, which is also included in the National Strategic Project (PSN), was completed in 2019, can produce a total water of 4,000 liters/second.

Not only in IKN, East Java, Brantas Abipraya also supports clean water in North Sumatra through the construction of Regional Medan field SPAM. This ongoing development work will later be able to meet and serve drinking water needs in the Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang areas.

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