JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed that the automatic adjustment or automatic adjustment of ministry spending (K/L) in 2023 reached IDR 50.23 trillion. This policy is a temporary backup mechanism for K/L expenditures on shopping ceilings because it is still seen as necessary to continue as a risk mitigation effort so that the APBN is able to withstand the turmoil that is expected to arise. Automatic adjustment is not a budget cut. This is an anticipatory strategy against global economic uncertainty and the current geopolitical conditions through spending priorities," Sri Mulyani said, citing the between. in its implementation, he said, K/L proposed its own Output Details/Clatification (KRO)/Output details (RO)/accounts that will be blocked according to the automatic adjustment amount of each K/L attached to the Minister of Finance's Letter on Automatic Adjustment Expenditures of Ministries/Institutions of the TA 2023 through a budget revision mechanism. The automatic adjustment budget budget budget budget budget is derived from K/L expenditures in the form of Murniun Rupiah (RM) taking into account the performance of budget realization over the last three years.

Activities that are prioritized for automatic adjustment include personnel expenditures that can be streamlined and goods expenditures that can be streamlined (preliminarished from honorary expenditures, official travel, meeting packages, other operational goods expenditures, and other non-operative goods expenditures). Then, efficient capital expenditures, non-permanent social assistance, as well as activities that are not expected to be able to fulfill supporting documents for its implementation until the end of the first semester of 2023. Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance said that the budget excluded from the automatic adjustment policy is social assistance-related expenditures related to permanent social assistance including Health Insurance Contribution Assistance Recipients, Family Hope Programs (PKH), and Food Cards, expenditure related stages of the Election, expenditures for contract payments for Expenditure Year, and spending for service availability payments. Exclusion is made to maintain priority expenditure allocations as well as maintain the function of the APBN as a social protection instrument for vulnerable communities, national economic recovery, and structural reforms. Judging from the prioritized and excluded issues, automatic adjustments will not interfere with the achievement of the national development targets and the targets of each K/L.

Regarding government priority spending, continued the State Treasurer, basically the budget portion will not be reduced, as an example, automatic adjustment will not reduce the allocation of 20 percent of the education budget because it is blocked, not reduced or eliminated.The activity can still be carried out if until the first semester there is no significant budget requirement. If until the end of semester I there is no significant increase over urgent budget needs, K/L can submit a proposal to gradually open the block to fund K/L activities through a revision mechanism. The budget allocation that is opened can be used for the implementation of the same activities according to the initial allocation or used for other activities that are more strategic according to the direction of achieving the program targets of each K/L. In its application, the Minister of Finance will provide directions that the entire automatic implementation process for K/L 2023 expenditures should be carried out in a transparent, accountable and responsible manner, as well as free from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).

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