JAKARTA - The Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) visited the Head Office of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya on Thursday, February 16, 2023. This visit was carried out to strengthen relations between the two parties and discuss efforts to achieve sustainable development goals.

IGCN is a local network of the United Nations Global Compact which is dedicated to promoting sustainable development principles launched by the United Nations (UN) in the business sector. Meanwhile, Sarana Jaya is a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) that focuses on infrastructure development, Land/Land Provision and Asset Management in the Jakarta area.

During the meeting, Sarana Jaya introduced various programs that have been implemented to encourage sustainable development in Jakarta, including an integrated affordable residential development program, waste processing facilities, and the application of ten principles of UN Global Compact which are in line with the Company's vision and mission.

Sarana Jaya's Director of Administration and Finance, Bima Priya Santosa, expressed her commitment to implementing the 4 Pillars of the UN Global Compact Principle, one of which was Anti-Corruption.

"Throughout 2021 until 2022, we have succeeded in obtaining ISO 370001:2016 certification for the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System and also launching the Whistle-blowing System Sarana Jaya," Bima said in his statement, quoted on Saturday, February 18.

Quality Management System certification and also the Implementation of Risk Management at Sarana Jaya to make the company more transparent and accountable in running its business. IGCN appreciates Sarana Jaya's efforts in realizing the principles of sustainable development.

In addition, both parties agreed to increase collaboration to achieve common goals in an effort to reduce the negative impact of development on the environment and improve the quality of life of the people of Jakarta.

"We really appreciate the efforts that have been made by Sarana Jaya as a member of the UN Global Compact in realizing sustainable development in Jakarta. We hope that the cooperation between IGCN and Sarana Jaya will be stronger in order to encourage the realization of a common vision in achieving sustainable development goals in Indonesia," said Josephine Satyono, as Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN).

This visit is expected to strengthen relations between IGCN and PPSJ and have a positive impact on sustainable development efforts in Indonesia.

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