JAKARTA - InJourney's Director of Marketing and Tourism Program, Maya Watono, said that the interest of people who want to watch the implementation of F1 Powerboat is very high.

This can be seen from ticket sales online.

Maya said tickets sold online had been sold out on February 7. Based on sales data, most tickets were purchased by tourists from Jabodetabek and also Sumatra Island.

To accommodate the wishes of the public who wish to witness firsthand the water boat race, Maya said InJourney would reopen ticket sales offline.

Next, we will also reopen ticket sales on February 15, 2023 for a viewing spot located on Bukit Pahoda with a very beautiful view. This ticket can be purchased offline in Balige at a price of IDR 50,000," he said at a press conference, at the InJourney Office, Sarinah, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 14.

With the opening of ticket sales on February 15, he hopes that more tourists will be able to get tickets and enliven this sport tourism event.

Maya admitted that the high public interest in watching F1 Powerboat directly is also a challenge for Injourney.

Until now, many accommodations have sold out. There is even a glamping location that has just been established and it's also sold out," added Maya.

To accommodate the high interest of tourists, InJourney together with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has curated cafes and restaurants along Lake Toba to hold a viewing together.

"This point of watching together will accommodate around 5,000 spectators," he said.

On the other hand, Maya said InJourney also confirmed that there would be an increase in the number of flights to Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport and Kualanamu International Airport from February 21 to 22, 2023.

"Thus, tourists can easily access Lake Toba without having trouble getting flights," he explained.

Regarding the technical implementation of the race, Maya said, InJourney had made various anticipations and other preparations based on a meeting with H2O Racing Management when homologing the Circuit in Lake Toba.

In collaboration with BMKG, we have calculated the weather movement on February 25 to 26 and the race will continue according to schedule, namely three in the afternoon. The selection of the race time at three in the afternoon has also taken into account the potential for weather movement in Lake Toba," said Maya.

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