JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir reshuffled the board of directors of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. The reshuffle was set at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) today.

Erick appointed Rudi Purnomo as Director of Business Development. Previously, the position was occupied by Septiawan Andri Purwanto.

Then, Erick also appointed Dhet Ariyanto as Director of Operation II. This position was previously held by Bambang Rianto.

According to Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary Ermy Puspa Yunita, the appointment of Rudi Purnomo and Dhetik Ariyanto will further strengthen Waskita's business and operational development aspects.

"The appointment of the new board of directors is expected to have a positive impact on Waskita's performance, especially in terms of Waskita's overall business and operational development," said Ermy Puspa Yunita, in an official statement, Tuesday, February 14.

Ermy is also optimistic that today's management will increase optimism in supporting overall fundamental strengthening.

Furthermore, Ermy said the Company will continue to be committed to running Waskita's 8 streams of financial restructuring to improve cash flow conditions and reduce financial obligations.

In addition, in terms of increasing revenue through selective project selection and remaining prudent and prioritizing efficiency, effectiveness and always guided by the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

This includes continuing to be committed so that the business line process is carried out in accordance with the principles of professionalism and high integrity in accordance with the Transformation Program that is being carried out.

With the results of this EGMS decision, the composition of the Company's Management becomes:


President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Heru Winarko

Commissioner: I Gde Made Kartikajaya

Commissioner: Dedi Syarif Usman

Commissioner: T. Iskandar

Commissioner: Ahmad Erani Yustik

Independent Commissioner: Muhamad Salim

Independent Commissioner: Muradi


President Director: Destiawan Soewardjono

Director of HCM, System Development and Legal: Mursyid

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Wiwi Suprihatno

Director of Business Development: Rudi Purnomo

Director of Operations I and QSHE: I Ketut Pasek Senjaya Putra

Director of Operations II: Dhetik Ariyanto

Director of Operations III: Warjo

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