JAKARTA During a working visit in Japan earlier this week, the Minister of Finance took the time to enjoy local culinary delights typical of marine dishes. On that occasion, the state treasurer appeared to be accompanied by Ambassador Heri Akhmadi with his wife.

"Yesterday morning arriving in Tokyo was still very early. I was invited to have breakfast directly by the Ambassador to a shop in a small alley at the Tsukiji - Tokyo fish market which presents Original Kaisen Hitsumabushi, the white rice on which the fish and fresh raw fish eggs are sprinkled," he said when giving a written statement, Tuesday, February 14.

The Minister of Finance revealed that the chef and at the same time the shop owner showed how to eat Kaisen, namely fish rice with salted soy sauce and wasabi.

It's good and creates energy against cold and sleepy after flying overnight. If in Indonesia, this morning's breakfast is like eduk rice, or mixed rice," he said.

The Minister of Finance said that Di Tsukiji was also crowded with people queuing up to eat boiled noodles (floods) that he ate while standing on the sidewalk. No seating is provided, only a long table as high as an adult's chest.

"It seems that Japanese people like fast breakfast, boiled noodles, warm and practical. Suitable for those who are busy before coming to work. Similar to Indonesia, rice stalls and boiled noodle stalls," he said while including thumbs up emoticons as an expression of joy.

Until this news was revealed, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani had held at least three official meetings while in Sakura Country, namely with Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), Chairman of the Board Mitsubishi Corp Takehiko Kakiuchi, and Japanese Finance Minister Shin'ichi Suzuki.

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