JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara revealed that PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is a government representation to provide a decent living for the community as well as an important instrument in supporting welfare.

In carrying out this mission, PLN is said to have great opportunities as well as challenges in itself because it does not have a commensurate competitor in business activities. Even so, he asked the country's stun company not to be complacent because there are risks that always accompany it.

There are actually many PLN raids. The most basic thing is PLN monopoly. If we all think that PLN holds monopolistic power, then you become the leader of the monopoly. If this happens then usually the monopoly will maximize its own benefits," he said on the PLN Economic Outlook agenda, Monday, February 13.

Therefore, Suahasil encouraged PLN to continue to provide the widest possible benefits for the interests of the wider audience throughout Indonesia.

But how to become a monopoly that not only maximizes its own profits. This is a big homework. I want the leaders to be able to bring goodness because it carries the name of the country, not bring the mindset of the monopoly earlier," he said.

Sri Mulyani's deputy reminded PLN not to be complacent in their comfort zone and to continue to take care of themselves in the context of competition.

"This does not make us wait because of the monopoly but must be able to continue to compete. We must still be able to grow integrity and self-development," said Suahasil.

For information, PLN is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in the electrification sector. This entity is the mainstay of the government in providing electricity throughout the archipelago.

In addition, PLN is also the government's partner in distributing electricity subsidies so as not to burden people's purchasing power too much. VOI noted, throughout 2022 the Ministry of Finance had spent at least IDR 131 trillion on electricity subsidies.

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