JAKARTA - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (GIAA) revealed the estimated cost calculation paid for aircraft flight services to the Holy Land. After all components are calculated, the total reaches IDR 33 million per person.

Garuda Indonesia's Director of Services and Commerce, Ade R Susardi, said that the costs included the cost of airline services, plus the cost of airport building charges and passenger charges (PSC).

Including, continued Ade, a margin of 2.5 percent of the total flight costs. However, this figure still refers to the previous year.

"So we calculate direct and direct costs of around Rp. 31,431,353 plus airport bullying service and PSC charge of around Rp. 1,191,253. The total is around Rp. 32,622,606. Then the margin is around 2.5 percent, so it is around Rp. 33,438,171," he said in a working meeting with the DPR's Hajj Fee Committee, Thursday, February 9.

Ade said, the Ministry of Religion provides an opportunity for airlines to get a maximum margin of 3 percent. However, Ade emphasized that the amount of this cost is only limited to estimating Garuda's calculations.

"Once again, this price is still not confirmed. Because we have assumptions, so the determination of the margin from the Ministry of Religion is determined to be a maximum of 3 percent of the total flight costs," he explained.

Ade said that the airline's service costs consisted of direct and indirect costs. Where the total direct costs reached Rp29.3 million and indirect costs, namely RP2.09 million.

Furthermore, Ade said that the biggest cost of all cost components directly related to aircraft operations (direct operating costs) is avtur or fuel. Currently, the avtur cost reaches 40.2 percent of the total direct cost of Rp29.3 million.

While the rest are aircraft leasing costs, airport costs, navigation services costs, aircraft ground handling services costs, catering services or food providers during flights.

Then the crew costs, as well as the cost of picking up pilgrims from the Hajj dormitory to the airport.

"Indeed, the largest component on our direct cost if you want to break down is the price of oil (avtur) around 40.2 percent," he explained.

Meanwhile, said Ade, indirect costs or direct costs ranging from the cost of providing ground crews who will stand by at the airport, crew training, congregational flight insurance, to other costs. Including the cost of providing suitcases and shipping goods to the Hajj Dormitory Regional Office.

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