Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Presetyo Adi revealed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the integration of food SOEs to become off takers or absorb production products in the community.

This was conveyed by Arief after holding a meeting with President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, today, Monday, February 6.

Following up on the order, Arief said that the revision of a number of regulations and low-cost funding mechanisms was prepared so that there would be no more prices for food commodities at the farmer level.

"The President's target is to convey that in the past two weeks we will return with a draft regulation that has been prepared," said Arief.

To increase absorption at the BUMN food level, of course funding is needed. Therefore, Arief said that President Jokowi and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani would discuss this matter.

"The point is to give a budget, so there are two budgets. The first is the APBN, the other is the funding for cheap funds from Himbara," he said.

Therefore, continued Arief, it is necessary to synchronize with Himbara and the Minister of Finance.

"Of course this is a scheme if the term is the Minister of Finance, low-cost funds. It means that there is a low rate. Now, this needs to be synchronized with Himbara Bank and the Minister of Finance," he explained.

Then, he continued, the meeting also discussed infrastructure readiness.

Still, said Arief, Jokowi had time to compare with infrastructure abroad.

"He said that abroad, storage equipment such as a large cold room is ready. So later for products that can be extended, save life in frozen or cold conditions can be used," he explained.

Arief said that this plan will be carried out by food SOEs, in this case Perum Bulog, and ID Food or PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero) along with its members, namely PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia, PT Sang Hyang Seri, PT Perikanan Indonesia, PT Berdikari, and PT Garam.

"So that it can really help become off takers for farmers, farmers," he said.

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