Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the government continues to comply with applicable laws by allocating a 20 percent education budget from state budget expenditures.

According to him, the total education funds distributed by the government throughout Indonesia reached around Rp612 trillion from the 2023 APBN expenditure plan which amounted to Rp3,061.2 trillion.

"This year's education budget is the largest in history," said the Minister of Finance recently.

So how is the direction of education in 2023 in accordance with the work plan of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) led by Nadiem Makarim?

In the Work Plan and Budget (RKA) as reported by the official government website, it is stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture will focus attention on the National Priority Program, Ministry Priority, and mandatory funding that has been set by the government.

These priority activities are carried out through programs, including the Smart Indonesia Program, Smart Indonesia Card, various teacher allowances, lecturers/major teachers, BOPTN (Matching Fund & Competitive Fund), independent campuses, driving schools, driving teachers, and independent learning, "said RKA of the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology 2023.

It was explained that from the priority output, there was an output that supported the implementation of the National Priority (PN) 3 to improve quality and competitive human resources.

Furthermore, in order to improve spending efficiency and quality, several policies that will be carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023 include the integration of program implementation between the center and the regions through the Physical and Non-Physical DAK programs in the field of Education and Culture.

Then, strengthening funding through BLU satkers, increasing community role in education development, and efficiency in budget allocation.

For information, in 2023 the Ministry of Education and Culture's budget is planned at IDR 80.2 trillion. This figure is higher than 2022 which amounted to IDR 77.9 trillion.

In addition to the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, this year's education budget allocation is also channeled through local governments with a Transfer to Regions (TKD) scheme and also spending on other ministries/agencies.

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