JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita also inaugurated the Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) factory owned by PT Magdatama Multi Industri (MMI) in Karawang International Industrial City (KIIC).

It is known, LRB is one of the components used as an earthquake shock-resistant cushion in road and bridge infrastructure.

Its function is to maintain structural security during an earthquake, thus demanding the quality of product quality from LRB which must pass verification according to applicable standard specifications.

Minister of Industry Agus stated that the success of the import substitution policy on LBR products, bearing, and expansion joint is a form of joint work between the government and industry players.

"For this achievement, we are increasingly confident that we are on the right track in terms of import substitution and technology mastery. It is hoped that in the future other industrial products in infrastructure projects at the Ministry of PUPR can continue to synergize and continue," Agus said in his statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 1st.

On the same occasion, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga said, the MMI factory has a large enough capacity and will meet the needs for road supports and bridges.

"The raw materials are also almost entirely local content, both steel and rubber, as well as the products produced also meet SNI. Of course, this is very much needed and in accordance with the President's direction that in development using domestic products," he said.

MMI companies in producing Magda LRB have met the provisions of the domestic content level (TKDN) which is quite high up to 78.75 percent.

Meanwhile, other types of bearings, namely Magda Pot Bearing, have TKDN reaching 57.71 percent.

In addition, the bearing is also very useful for countries that are quite vulnerable to earthquakes such as Indonesia.

In the midst of an earthquake-prone Indonesia, this bearing factory is important and I spoke with the Minister of PUPR that it must be prepared not only for bridges and toll roads, but also for buildings.

"In some countries, the use of LRB is mandatory because it restrains earthquakes up to 8 scales richter (SR) and if this is required in Jakarta or several other provinces on the island of Java, it will make the building flexible against disasters," said Airlangga.

Just so you know, PT MMI has 30 years of experience by contributing to many strategic infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

Until now, bridge bearing products or bearings that are resistant to earthquakes, namely LRB Magdatama, have been installed on several strategic infrastructure projects in Indonesia, such as the construction of the Kretek Bridge in Yogyakarta.

In addition, LRB lifespan managed by PT MMI can reach 60 years, longer than imported products which are claimed to last only 25-30 years.

In fact, the factory has also opened job opportunities for 200 workers and has greater potential in the future.

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