JAKARTA Improving the quality of Indonesia's human resources in the face of social, cultural, world-of-work, and technological advances in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 continues to be carried out by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI. One of them is through the initiation of student/i trading activities in Indonesia.

This time, BRI is working with the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) SOEs to open the Bertalenta Generation Trade Program (MAGENTA) in 2023. This program is opened to active students in semesters 5, 6, and 7 in universities with a quality of learning which is certainly very adequate.

BRI's Human Capital Director Agus Winardono said the company openly accepts students who want to gain knowledge and experience through the MAGENTA program.

"This program provides many benefits, such as mentors from professionals who are dedicated in their fields, training in accordance with the fields of science, internship certificates, clear and directed projects, strengthening relations, and connections," Agus said in a written statement, Saturday, January 28.

Dalam program ini, BRI menyiapkan dua project yang dapat diikuti dengan berbagai jurusan. Untuk detail posisi dan informasi project-nya dapat diakses melalui Instagram resmi Human Capital BRI @lifeatbri, akun LinkedIn resmi PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. dan website https://magenta.fhcibumn.com/loginpage.

The Bertalenta Generation Trade Period (MAGENTA) has been open from January 25 to 31, 2023. This program is carried out free of charge or free of charge.

All prospective applicants will be screened for administration, BRILiaN Internship Test using the platform, and the final interview.

Through this program, Agus said, it is hoped that later it will be able to produce young professionals who are highly dedicated, loyal, and full of responsibility, so that BRI can contribute more to giving meaning to Indonesia through human resource development (HR) or human capital implemented through the Bertalenta Generation Trade program (MAGENTA).

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