JAKARTA - Lion Air Group management opened its voice regarding the Lion Air flight wing incident JT-797 which crashed into Garbarata, Mopah Airport, Merauke, South Papua.

Corporate Communications Strategic of Lion Air, Danang Mandala Prihantoro, said that the plane, according to the plan, will depart for Sentani Jayapura Airport, Papua (DJJ).

"Before the departure the plane had been checked and checked early (pre-flight check) with appropriate and safe results operated (airworthy for flight)," said Danang to the media in his statement, Thursday, January 26.

He continued, this flight will carry 7 (seven) crew members and 122 passengers.

After the preparation for land services and handling is complete, the aircraft prepares and begins to move slowly in the plane parking area (apron).

In the process, there were obstacles in the plane's right area.

"In ensuring flight safety and security aspects, the pilot decided to return to the parking lot for inspection," he continued. Observations, the right-wing end curve touched (swift) on the outside of the airport's Garbarata building.

He continued, following up on the incident, Lion Air and related authorities are currently conducting further investigations.

"Lion Air cannot speculate or provide information about the cause. The investigation process takes significant time to obtain recommendations," added Danang.

Danang further explained, after the incident, all passengers were directed and lowered to the departure terminal waiting room for further information.

"Lion Air provides facilities to all passengers based on applicable regulations, including transferring flights to other airlines that are adjusted to the availability of seats, the process of refunding ticket funds according to passenger requests and others," explained Danang.

Danang also apologized on behalf of the management for the incident.

"Lion Air apologizes for the inconvenience that has arisen," he concluded.

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