JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan changed the deadline for rice imports by Perum Bulog to mid-February. Whereas previously, he emphasized that the import permit would be revoked at the end of January.

"Rice, sir (Director) of Bulog said February 16 is the latest. Yes, nothing has happened until February 16", he told reporters at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Thursday, January 19.

Furthermore, Zulhas, nicknamed Zulkifli Hasan, also requested that Perum Bulog (state-owned public company engaged in food logistics) complete the delivery of the imported rice.

After that, immediately distribute it to regions in Indonesia.

"After that, we asked Bulog to send the stock to the regions for market operations", he said.

After the imported rice has been distributed, said Zulhas, then Bulog can absorb the yields of domestic farmers. Considering that in March the main harvest is taking place.

"Because it's the end of February, March is the main harvest. So it's time for Bulog to buy the farmers at a good price, of course", he said.

Previously, Zulhas emphasized that his party would close the faucet for importing rice until the end of January 2023. This is because Indonesia will soon enter the main harvest season in March.

According to Zulhas, there is no reason for imported rice entering after the permit is closed. Because when it comes to the main harvest season, he said, they have to absorb rice domestically.

"Yes, blame yourself dong. We buy farmers, right already harvest. Buy from a lot of new farmers and then we will operate the market", he said in Cilegon, Banten, Sunday, January 15.

Responding to this, the Main Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso, did not deny the delay in rice imports assigned to Bulog. Buwas, his nickname, explained that this was due to the extreme weather that occurred at the end of last year.

Furthermore, Buwas said that if the government asked for the import contract to be canceled, he would agree to this.

"We can't force it, I've tried, it's not me who owns the ship. The sea is not for me to set, especially the weather, when do we want to fight it? Yes, if it's canceled later, that's fine", he told reporters, written on Tuesday, January 17.

Buwas said the rice import was a state order. Because of that, he admitted that he did not mind if the government wanted to cancel the contract.

However, he said, the contract to purchase 500,000 tons of imported rice had already been executed.

"We'll talk about it later. (If it's canceled) that's fine, it's not my responsibility. This and all state orders. If asked to cancel, yes cancel like that. We don't have a problem, we don't need to be bothered", he said.

Buwas ensured that rice import activities would end on February 14 to 15. Thus, in March there will be no more rice imports.

"We are trying to (import) last mid-February. So in March, there will be no more imported goods entering Indonesia", he said.

As is known, Bulog received an assignment of 500,000 tons of rice imports from several countries to meet domestic needs.

In the first stage, Bulog plans to bring in 200,000 tons of imported rice.

However, until now only about 120,000 tons have entered Indonesia and are expected to arrive entirely at the end of January 2023.

For the second phase, as many as 300,000 tons will enter in early February.

The plan is for the first to enter as much as 15,000 tons from Vietnam in early February and gradually enter all of them in mid-February.

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