PT Angkasa Pura I recorded that it has served 52,294,618 passenger movements at 15 airports managed throughout 2022.

Of this number, it is dominated by the movement of domestic route passengers.

This number grew by 84 percent when compared to the number of movements in the 2021 period which was 28,466,216 passenger movements.

President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I Faik Fahmi stated that 2022 is the beginning of the revival of the national aviation industry, as well as the beginning of the company's performance recovery after being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2020.

"At the beginning of 2022, we set a target of 35 million passengers targeted to be served throughout 2022. The realization is 52 million passengers. Achievement of 49 percent higher than this target is certainly an achievement in itself for us," said Faik Fahmi to the media, written Friday, January 13.

Faik said this achievement could not be separated from the increasing interest of the Indonesian people and the international community to travel by using air transportation modes.

The increase in public interest is also inseparable from the better handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, both nationally and globally.

Faik said the number of passenger movements in 2022, which amounted to 52,294,618 passenger movements, was divided into 46,438,326 movements of passengers on domestic routes and 5,856,292 movements of international routes.

Along 2022, domestic routes are still more dominant than international routes. However, specifically for international routes, we note a growth spike in 2022 compared to 2021," he explained.

For passenger movements, in 2021 AP I will serve as many as 109,743 international route passenger movements. Meanwhile, in 2022, there will be 5,856,292 international route passenger movements served by 15 Angkasa Pura I airports.

"Although it is still quite far compared to the number of international route passengers in 2019 which reached approximately 18 million, the 5.8 million passengers on international routes in 2022 are a very good start for us in the context of recovering the company's operational performance," he said,

Faik said growth was also experienced in the number of aircraft movements in 2022.

With the number of aircraft movements as many as 552,778 movements in 2022, there will be a growth of 36 percent compared to the number of movements in 2021 which will be 408,008 aircraft movements.

"For aircraft movements, out of a total of 552,778 movements, they are divided into 516,856 movements of domestic routes and 35,922 movements of international routes," he explained.

As for cargo movements, 15 Angkasa Pura I airports serve 464,326 tons of cargo, and grew by 7 percent compared to the total cargo movement in 2021 which was 433,887 tons of cargo.

"For cargo movements, out of a total of 464,326 tons of cargo served at 15 airports, it consists of 428,985 tons of domestic cargo and 35,341 tons of international cargo," he said.

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