JAKARTA - The government increased the amount of assistance for beneficiaries of the 2023 Pre-Employment Card program from IDR 3.55 million to IDR 4.2 million.

This step is considered appropriate because the Pre-Employment Card is believed to be able to open up opportunities for the birth of new entrepreneurs.

Segara Institute Executive Director Piter Abdullah said the pre-employment card program could not only be a cushion in the current global economic uncertainty situation.

Piter said the Pre-Employment Card will prepare productive workers who are ready to enter the world of work and entrepreneurship. Sebingga opens new jobs.

"Participants are not necessarily looking for work, it could also be for entrepreneurs because they can choose the type of training they want," Piter said, in Jakarta, Thursday, January 5.

Pieter is sure that the Pre-Employment Card participants, both those who already have a job or not, will benefit from this program.

This program is mainly to improve skills, abilities, for workers who have not or have found work. This program helps increase their abilities, making it easier to get a job," Piter explained.

Moreover, said Piter, the two types of assistance provided by the Pre-Employment Card program are training and cash that are useful in times like this.

"Given in cash or training. Of course the training is intended for those who are productive, it provides the term bait, so the training they participate in they can be more productive, can improve skills," said Piter.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the Pre-Employment Card program would be carried out under a normal scheme starting in 2023.

Airlangga said, the focus of the Pre-Employment Card this time is on improving competence and expertise (skills) for beneficiaries, not as social assistance (Bansos).

"With this normal scheme, training methods will be carried out offline, online, and hybridly, as well as the incentives provided will be adjusted," said the Golkar chairman.

In 2023, continued Airlangga, the Pre-Employment Card program with a normal scheme is targeted to reach 1 million beneficiaries.

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