JAKARTA - Public policy observer Agus Pambagio said the government must prepare good planning to implement a policy to prohibit over-dimensional trucks from overloading (ODOL) by 2023.

According to Agus, this must be considered by the government so that the policy is no longer delayed.

"Yes, ODOL, right, it's not going anywhere, we ask what kind, then we suggest, Don't be too afraid of threatening associations and others, but the government must also be firm by making good plans," he said when contacted by VOI, Friday, December 30.

If later the policy is postponed again, the government will not be confused anymore. Because, there was already a previous plan.

"If you want to resign again, what are the stages, written down, continue to be monitored, who violates that stage, is legal. That's all," said Agus.

Regarding the mechanism for implementing ODOL policies, Agus left it entirely to the Ministry of Transportation.

According to him, if there was a plan earlier, then a number of related parties should not object, so that the threat of death on the road could also be reduced.

"Now whether we want to or not (implement the ODOL policy), there are already many victims. Are we waiting for thousands of people to die on the road because of ODOL, are we waiting for trillions of rupiah of money to run out for road repairs. Now, that's right, choices, please make it. The Minister of Transportation, right, is in power," he concluded.

As is known, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation ensures that there is no delay in the ban on overloaded trucks or ODOL 2023 trucks.

The implementation of the Zero ODOL 2023 policy will no longer be postponed.

The zero ODOL policy was originally launched in 2018, but continues to be delayed until it is targeted to take effect from next year.

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