JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said he would present a number of international-scale events in the Lake Toba area.

This is an effort to attract tourist visits to one of the five super priority destinations.

"The target (movement) of domestic tourists is 1.2-1.4 billion. We will increase it with more events in Toba, where in February 2023 there will be F1H20, which we hope will trigger and trigger domestic tourists (to Lake Toba)," Sandiaga said in a written statement, Friday, December 23.

In addition, there are still many other events that will be held in the Lake Toba area.

To support the implementation of these events, Sandiaga said, his party has compiled several destination development and infrastructure programs that include Attraction, Access, and Amenity (3A), tourist villages, creative economy infrastructure, waste management, BOP facilities, destination technical guidance, and special allocation fund assessment assistance (DAK) in the tourism sector.

"The three main achievements of developing five DPSPs in 2022 include strengthening accessibility and amenities, in the form of physical infrastructure development, including roads, airports, ports, sanitation, clean water, and regional planning by the Ministry of PUPR," he said.

"Then, the development of ancillary which includes the consisting management and utilization of assets," he added.

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