JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught many valuable lessons in terms of state financial management.

The reason is, in this situation the state budget must work extra hard in tackling health problems. At the same time, fiscal instruments must also maintain a weakened economy due to restrictions on mobility.

The decline in economic activity caused state revenue to fall. However, spending at that time should not decrease because this is necessary to deal with the impact of the pandemic and protect the community. So, our financial deficit widens on the basis of Perpu number 1 of 2020, which was later ratified by the DPR into Law Number 2 of 2022," he said when speaking at the National Working Meeting of the Professional Association of the Ministry of Finance, Thursday, December 22.

According to Suahasil, changes in the APBN structure in responding to the critical situation are things that must be learned and recorded as part of the current legacy for the next generation.

"We can see a lot that has changed in the last three years, both from the health and social dimensions, the economic, fiscal and monetary dimensions, regional economies, education and even the Indonesian bureaucracy," he said.

Suahasil added that widyaiswara is an agent for the Ministry of Finance in order to go to the Ministry of Finance, Corporate University.

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He said, Kemenkeu Corporate University means that every element from the Ministry of Finance is an effort to learn, an effort to carry out bureaucratic work in a technocratic and professional manner.

"We all have to be able to understand in the process of taking and implementing policies. Here the Ministry of Finance clearly has a big responsibility," he said.

Sri Mulyani's deputy also said that the National Working Meeting of the Ministry of Finance's Professional Association is expected to be an arena for exchanging ideas, doing knowledge capture together, and a place to do even stronger learning.

"Widyaiswara must be fluent in understanding all dimensions and policies of state financial management which are then conveyed systematically to all interested parties," concluded Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.

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