JAKARTA The Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) stated that it will continue to strive to protect the environment, live, especially in overcoming the impacts of climate change.

The commitment of the Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is evidenced by the flexibility of fund management, both fundraising from various sources of funding to distribution of funds to ministries/agencies, business entities, as well as to individuals.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that in order to be able to create a comprehensive funding mechanism sourced from the global, government and various other institutions, a good blended finance mechanism is needed.

"This will certainly be complicated governance. However, the steps taken by the government through BPDLH will certainly have a positive impact on climate change control," he said in a press statement on Thursday, December 22.

According to the Minister of Finance, in the BPDLH forum, the government guarantees that all funds invested by partners will be managed effectively, transparently, and can be accounted for.

Until now, BPDLH is managing funds amounting to 968.6 million US dollars or around Rp. 14.5 trillion. These funds can be accessed/used by various beneficiaries such as ministries/agencies, local governments, communities, and individuals for environmental quality improvement programs," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that these funds, apart from being sourced from APBN funds, also came from several institutions, such as reforestation funds, grants from the Green Climate Fund for the REDD+ RBP project, Ford Foundation funds, loans from the World Bank, Mangrove for Coastal Resilience.

"There are around Rp. 24 trillion, the potential for funds to be re-entered," he said.

To note, BPDLH operates environmental fund management, whether collecting, developing, and channeling funds by prioritizing the principle of transparency and accountability through regulation, policy, and implementation of monitoring, evaluation, audit and supervision by the Steering Committee of 10 ministries.

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