YOGYAKARTA - On average, Indonesians like to eat chicken and become staple foods in almost every food, making it the main source of animal protein in Indonesian food, both organic and non-organic. Then what about the potential for organic chicken business?

This high demand for chickens has created a profit-driven factory farm. This condition looks very different from the farms in the backyard and small-scale farms of our ancestors.

Many people want to produce more sustainable food for themselves with the aim of raising chickens for meat or eggs. And, as an additional incentive, farmers can sell organic chickens cultivated on farms to make a profit to restaurants and wholesalers, as well as directly to customers.

Certain factors such as feed, access to▁keterangans, housing, and race distinguish organic chicken farms from others that may use similar agricultural practices. Here are some things you need to know if you want to start an organic chicken business in a healthier and more natural way.

Organic chicken farming can be a profitable business for small farms. Maintening broilers organically, inIVAtes, environmentally friendly and animal-friendly.

The advantages of organic chickens as livestock for your small farm are a lot:

Chicken meat is a rapid change in direction: in 8-10 weeks you can raise a one-day-old chicken to a repeater size. This means a quick return to your investment. You can also do more than one bird pool in a year.

Place-saving chicken: You don't need much land to raise chickens, even in the grass. A group of 100 birds can be locked up in about 1/4 hectares without destroying the soil.

Time-efficient broiler chickens: caring for birds that are herded only takes about 20 minutes a day. This leaves time for other agricultural activities.

Organic village chickens are premium products: if you've seen the price of organic chicken in stores, you'll see them charge a decent price. This means you have a good profit margin for your own birds.

And of course, village organic chicken is delicious! You can fill your own freezer with healthy and delicious meat.

Examples of Organic Chicken Business Actors

Another offer of the fried chicken business partnership is present on your investment menu list. This time, a businessman from Sidoarjo, East Java, Nadia Maulina, offered cooperation in a fried chicken partnership with the Fritto's brand.

Nadia claims that her fried chicken is different from the others, because it uses organic chicken. "It's not like fried chicken usually uses regular chicken as its basic ingredient," he said.

Nadia measures that the selection of organic chickens will attract consumers, especially people who have a healthy lifestyle. Organic chickens generally have a higher protein content than non-organic chickens.

"So far, fast foods such as fried chicken are seen as unhealthy," he said. There are two kinds of organic chickens that are offered, namely kampung chicken and broiler chicken.

Fritto's has only been around for a while last month, and currently there is only one outlet in Sidoarjo. The requirement to become a business partner is to invest IDR 25 million. With this investment, Fritto's partners received a number of facilities, such as carts, raw materials, banners and others.

Strict Standards for Organic Chickens

Chickens labeled "organic", must be maintained in accordance with USDA's National Organic Program rules from the second day after hatching. These rules include:

Not using antibiotics. You should not give drugs, antibiotics, and/or hormones to organic birds. (Also pay attention to that it is not valid to provide hormones to any chicken.

If chickens are organically sick and require antibiotics, they must be removed from the organic program. More than half of the antibiotics given to livestock, including chickens, are synonymous with those given to humans.

The chicken industry has made great progress in reducing the number of human antibiotics given to chickens. The excessive use of antibiotics can cause bacteria strains that are immune to antibiotics. This opens wider doors for potential human diseases.

Access toWARDs. Organic rules only determine that birds must be able to access the wild.

You can give outdoor access through a small door in a large warehouse containing thousands of chickens. In turn, you can keep chickens in the pea for the rest of their life.

Just organic feed. You must provide organic feed certified for life your chicken. This includes organic grains, feed and supplements approved by NOP rules.

Organic grains are not genetically modified and are produced according to NOP standards.

Certified organic chicken feed will not contain the following things:

Organic grazing ground. Field grass where organic chicken is kept must be certified organically and managed according to NOP standards.

Third-party inspections. An annual inspection of organic chicken farms ensures that the standard is met. A third-party certification inspector may come from the state's agricultural department. Or they could be from a non-profit agricultural organization or a company that offers organic consulting services.

So after knowing the organic chicken business, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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