JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) ensures that the availability of fuel oil (BBM) supply is in a safe condition to meet the needs of the community during the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 periods.

"In general, the condition of fuel stock security is safe, both Gasoline, Kerosene, Gasoil and Avtur with stock security of more than 17 days," said Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati at the BPH Migas office, Monday, December 19.

Erika said that subsidized fuel types of Pertalite and Solar are also in safe condition until the end of the year with a stock of resistance for up to 20 to 21 days.

"Until the 15th, it has reached 93 percent of the quota (BBM Pertalite) and that will be enough until the end of the year," he said.

Selain itu, Erika juga memprediksi bakal terjadi peningkatan demand atau permintaan harian bahan minyak pada momen libur Natal dan Tahun Baru ini. Misalnya Gasoline akan meningkat kurang lebih lima persen.

"Kerosene is four percent and Avtur is approximately 50 percent. Meanwhile, Gas Oil is expected to fall by about three percent," he said.

Furthermore, Erika said, the condition of the National liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stock is also in a safe condition with a time of 15 to 17 days.

"The availability of LPG is maintained by increasing the supply of LPG, both facultative and external, dropping if needed," he said.

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