JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, believes that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's performance targets in 2023 can be achieved through collaborative efforts with pentahelix stakeholders. This is an effort to accelerate economic recovery and create wider employment opportunities.

Sandiaga explained the performance target of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in 2023 based on the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

For tourism foreign exchange in 2023, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy targets around 2.07-5.95 billion US dollars.

For foreign tourist visits, they target 3.5-7.4 million visits. Then, domestic tourists amounted to 1.2-1.4 billion movements.

The absorbed tourism workforce is also targeted at 22.4 million people in the tourism sector and 22.59 million people in the creative economy sector.

In addition, tourism's contribution to GDP is also targeted at 4.1 percent. The added value of the creative economy is IDR 1,279 trillion and the export value is IDR 26.46 billion US dollars.

"We are optimistic that we can achieve a fantastic target next year, even though we are experiencing a contraction in terms of budget, but in collaboration and synergy between ministries and institutions, hopefully we can achieve the maximum target next year," Sandiaga said in a written statement, Saturday, December 17th.

He also hopes that the development of the tourism sector and the critical economy in 2023 can be more inclusive, quality, and sustainable. The concept of personalized, localized, customized, and smaller in size tourism is also expected to realize higher quality tourism.

"Through this trend, we can understand the desire and interest of consumers to travel," said Sandiaga.

By understanding what consumer needs and desires while traveling, Sandiaga said, it will be easier for him to offer tourism products.

"So that it will have an impact on the length of stay to spending that is spent on local product spending. That way, people's economic growth will accelerate and create jobs," he added.

Furthermore, he said, several international events could also have an impact on the national economy and create jobs for people in the country.

"Among other things, by presenting international-scale events, such as MotoGP. 'Flagship programs such as MotoGP in NTB, especially in Lombok' can create IDR 5.4 trillion economic impacts for the community and 30 thousand jobs," Sandiaga explained.

Meanwhile, in leading to sustainable tourism, special attention is needed to environmental sustainability, especially climate change to the sustainability of marine biota which is indeed side by side with the tourism sector.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy itself has a number of flagship programs to achieve sustainable tourism, ranging from Carbon Footprint Calculator Offsetting Campaigne, to the movement can (Clean, Beautiful, Healthy, Safe).

"How now are tourists not only healing, but also contributing to environmental sustainability. Products that can invite tourists to plant mangroves, reduce carbon emissions, offset carbon foot prints, and also plant mineral trees can be a major attraction. Let's support the concept of sustainable tourism," Sandiaga concluded.

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