JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia will continue to transform and adapt to changes in providing international standard service to customers.

President Director of Surveyor Indonesia M. Haris Witjaksono said the transformation had been carried out through diversification of survey-based service products, verification, monitoring, and consultation and optimizing strength as independent assurance in four sectors.

"Focus on strengthening four sectors, namely institutional institutions, infrastructure, minerals and coal, oil and gas and generating systems," he said, in a written statement, Friday, December 16.

He also ensures a sustainable transformation, especially in the era of TUNA (turbulency, uncertainty, novelty, ambiguity) and disruption, which requires organizations and resources to be agile and innovate to change the system and business order to a newer level.

A series of transformations were followed by the implementation of five big agendas as quick wins including Business & Portfolio Management, Organization & Business Process, HC & Capabilities, Asset Optimization and Culture & Communication Strategy.

One of the impacts of this transformation is that the company's financial performance as of October 2022 recorded good performance with operating revenues reaching Rp1.35 billion (ytd), an increase of 8.9 percent (yoy) compared to the same period in 2021.

EBITDA until October 2022 also grew 18 percent (yoy) with a margin increase of 1.4 percent compared to 2021 which illustrates business growth with a business process that emphasizes increased efficiency and profitability.

On this occasion, Haris also ensured that the company would follow the legal process of the alleged corruption case of the Trade-Based Export Credit Scheme (SKEBP) which dragged two former company officials.

Manajemen menyerahkan sepenuhnya penanganan kasus tersebut kepada aparat penegak hukum dan mendukung pemberian data maupun informasi untuk menyelesaikan kasus tersebut.

"As directed by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, that reporting corruption cases in companies is proof of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in companies," he said.

He ensured that business activities were carried out based on healthy ethics based on the principles of GCG and in line with the core values of the company, namely AKHLAK as a spirit and a strong foundation in carrying out business and operational activities in the work environment.

"Management has strengthened the internal control system in order to prevent all forms of violations of applicable regulations and regulations so that Surveyors of Indonesia can achieve better performance, are globally competitive, and provide the best service and added value," he said.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office named Bambang Isworo as Director of Operations of PT Surveyor Indonesia for the 2016-2018 period and Anjar Niryawan, Head of the PIK Business Sector of PT Surveyor Indonesia for the 2016-2018 period as a suspect in the alleged corruption case at the SKEPB for beef and crab activities.

Both were detained for the first 20 days at the Salemba Detention Center (Rutan) at the Attorney General's Office from December 1 to December 20, 2022.

"The two of them made PT Surveyor Indonesia a guarantee (guarantor) for the bill of exchange (BOE) for the illegal business activities of the suspects which resulted in state financial losses," said the Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana.

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