JAKARTA - Chief Executive of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) Lana Soelistianingsih stated that the increase in digitalization in the financial and banking industries must be balanced with increased financial inclusion and literacy.

"This positive thing is also followed by an increase in financial inclusion," Lana said in the LPS-Great Edu Webinar, as quoted in an official statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 16.

According to LPS data, the financial inclusion index in 2022 will reach 85.1 percent. This, according to him, is due to the increasing public ownership of smartphones and the increase in internet users.

However, he also revealed the fact that financial literacy is still one of the challenges.

"In 2022, the financial literacy index will still be 49.68 percent. This means we need to work together to continue to improve this kind of Great Edu socialization so that public understanding of financial instruments will increase," he added.

Furthermore, Lana continues to remind that understanding of financial products is very important. Ideally, increasing financial market inclusion needs to be continuously encouraged to coexist with increasing literacy so that Indonesia's financial market inclusiveness is of higher quality.

On this occasion, he also continued to appeal, especially to the younger generation, to always be aware of illegal investment offers.

The way to find out whether the investment is good or not is by checking 2L, namely Legal and Logis. Legal, namely the investment already has a permit from the regulator, while logically is that the promised returns still make sense.

LPS as one of the financial authorities in Indonesia will always synergize with various parties, including banking and other financial authorities to continue to encourage increased financial literacy in the community.

If people choose to invest in banking products, then always make sure the 3T criteria can be met so that public savings are guaranteed by LPS, which is recorded in bank bookkeeping, the deposit interest rate received by customers does not exceed the LPS guarantee interest rate, and does not take actions that harm banks, for example having bad credit.

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