JAKARTA - The Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) recorded positive performance growth in the third quarter of this year. Where in that period state-owned banks posted a net profit of IDR 85.9 trillion. Assistant Deputy for Financial Services at the Ministry of SOEs Muhammad Khoerur Roziqin said the net profit value grew 80.7 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy), when compared to the same period the previous year, which was IDR 47.6 trillion. Furthermore, Roziqin said that with this improved performance, Himbara was able to contribute at least 55 percent of the total BUMN consolidated net profit which touched IDR 155 trillion per third quarter of this year. Roziqin said, Himbara's net profit growth was also the highest growth throughout the history of state-owned banks for all aspects of its performance. "This shows Himbara can diversify its revenue. This is one of the ways to encourage Himbara's continued income (income) to grow. Because, this is the foundation for the sustainable growth of Himbara in the future," said Rozikin at the BUMN Ministry Office, Thursday, December 15.

Furthermore, Roziqin explained that Himbara's positive performance was also seen from the increase in the percentage of non-performing loans (NPL) coverage by 38 percent and loan at risk (LaR) coverage by 242 percent. Where this figure is above the safe limit. "So far, we are worried about how in this crisis the quality of Himbara credit is, it turns out that based on the achievement of the third quarter of 2022, Himbara's credit quality is also able to be maintained in a safe position," he said. Roziqin said, Himbara's performance growth is also in line with the increasing public trust. He said third party funds (DPK) in the form of savings, deposits and demand grew 5.7 percent from IDR 3,039 trillion to IDR 3,499 trillion. "This means that people generally trust the funds stored in Himbara," he said.

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