JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), as Pertamina's Upstream Subholding, has carried out a number of exploration drilling throughout 2022.

This activity resulted in the addition of 2C resources taken by 144 Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent (MMBOE) for oil and 931 Billion Cubic Feet Gas (BCFG) for gas.

PHE Exploration Director, Muharram Jaya Panguriseng said, PHE also continues to provide maximum efforts to meet domestic energy needs.

"Throughout 2022, PHE implemented a massive and aggressive operation strategy through the success of a number of exploration drilling," he told the media, Wednesday, December 14.

He added, based on the general plan for national energy (RUEN), the composition of Indonesia's energy mix is expected to be dominated by New Renewable Energy (EBT) in 2050.

In addition, it is estimated that oil and gas energy also plays a role in meeting national energy needs.

"In line with the government's Net Zero Emission (NZE) target in 2060, PHE has an energy transition strategy through increasing the use of environmentally friendly gas energy, carbonization and innovation programs for Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) and Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) technology," he said.

Muharram explained that the findings of these gas reserves were supported by the successful drilling of the exploration of the East Gelam-1, Wilela-001, Bajakah-001, Kolibri-1, Manpatu-1X, Markisa-001, and GQX rivers whose resources have been validated in 2022, while the R-2, S-2, Rotan-1, and Kembo-021 disclosures will be recorded in 2023.

In addition, he continued, as part of the value chain of Pertamina integrated energy company, PHE is also supported by Gas Subholding infrastructure.

In carrying out exploration activities, he continued, PHE implemented some of the latest technologies, including the 2D Seismic Broadband with a track length of more than 32,000 km which is the longest Seismic Offshore Survey in Asia Pacific over the past 10 years, Full Tensor Gradiometry (FTG) which was first used in Indonesia, as well as the 2D Vibroseis Acquisition which has the latest technology for better evaluation of sub-vulcanic targets through wireless receivers.

Muharram also explained about the LPG Production Booster System innovation at the Badak LNG Bontang Refinery.

This technology can increase LPG production for the Bontang area by up to 323 percent by 603 M3 per day.

"With this technological discovery, it gives hope that we can produce additional national LPG production, which can automatically reduce LPG imports. Efficiency or reduce energy use carefully and efficiently can contribute to reducing carbon emissions," said Muharram.

PHE has also been registered with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as a participant/member since June 2022.

PHE is committed to Ten Universal Principles or Ten Principles from UNGC in its strategy and operations, as part of the application of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects. PHE gets an ESG rating of 30.5 or rank 23 out of a total of 250 oil & gas producers.

"PHE will continue to develop operational management at home and abroad professionally to achieve the achievement of becoming an environmentally friendly, socially responsible and good governance world-class oil and gas company," he concluded.

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