PT PLN (Persero) rejuvenated the electrical installation of Mangkunegaran Temple, Surakarta City, Central Java.

The rejuvenation of the Mangkunegaran Temple electricity is one of the steps to preserve culture which is part of the principles of Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG).

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that his party replaced several components of the Mangkunegaran Temple electricity installation which were hundreds of years old.

"We are part of the strength of cultural nguri-nguri. One of them is that we also help prevent lighting from Mangkunegaran Temple, which is hundreds of years old," said Darmawan.

Darmawan explained that PLN turned electricity at Mangkunegaran Temple by rejuvenating lighting interiors to improve lighting as well as to beautify the interior area to be more attractive.

"So it is hoped that in the future this Mangkunegaran Temple will become a cultural education tourism area that combines classical and modernization elements, preserves and develops Javanese culture and is able to become a reference for the community to study Javanese customs, knowledge, norms and arts," he said.

Not only that, but PLN also replaces several outdated electrical installations and cables into new installations.

"We also replace MCB, the old cables. We ensure that the electrical installation at Mangkunegaran Temple is more modern and reliable and safe. This is part of our move to observe ancestral culture," concluded Darmawan.

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