JAKARTA - The Cianjur earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 has caused many casualties, property and property. To help relieve victims affected by the earthquake, Hana Bank distributed donations from the fundraising that was carried out.

Hana Bank Chief of Human Capital & Operations, Sumia and Strategy Planning Head, Hana Bank, Lim Seong Dong symbolically handed over a donation to Head of Brand Partnership Kitabisa.com, Marisa Thara Wardani (right) worth 100 million rupiah at Bank Hana Head Office, Jakarta, Tuesday 6 December.

The delivery of this assistance is a form of Bank Hana's concern for helping and supporting the people of Cianjur, in West Java, who were affected by the earthquake, so that they can recover quickly and return to normal activities.

In distributing humanitarian assistance from Bank Hana and its employees, the bank cooperates with Kitabisa.com as a fundraising platform. It is hoped that this assistance can help alleviate the suffering of the Cianjur earthquake victims.

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