JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has accelerated the application of the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap as a strategic initiative and become a national agenda, with one of the aims of revitalizing the national manufacturing sector through the use of industrial technology 4.0.

This digital transformation effort is believed to make the industry more efficient and qualified so that it can be more globally competitive.

"Therefore, we focus on implementing various priority programs contained in the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap," said Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, in a written statement, Tuesday, December 6.

Doddy explained that the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap has been implemented since 2018 as an industrial transformation strategy 4.0, which aims to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the national industry, as well as help facilitate industry in increasing efficiency and the company's business.

"The industrial transformation process 4.0 is also very helpful for industrial companies in adjusting and implementing health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic, both in regulating the work process and related to human resources," he explained.

He stated that the support of the parties in accelerating digital transformation is very much needed. Synergy and collaboration between parties are the key to the implementation of industry 4.0.

In addition, the transformation of industry 4.0 is considered to answer the problems faced by industry players and accelerate the recovery of the national industry at this time.

"This is where it is important that we accelerate this Journey Transformation Industry 4.0. As a positive impact of industrial transformation 4.0, there are several manufacturing companies that are able to reduce energy consumption by 4-40 percent, increase productivity by 5-22 percent, and decrease cost production by 3-78 percent," he said.

The Conference Industry 4.0 is a vehicle to accelerate digital transformation.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Center for Optimizing the Utilization of Industrial Technology and Industrial Services Policy at the Ministry of Industry, Heru Kustanto, said that sharing knowledge through this event could occur between industries 4.0.

This activity, which was carried out online and offline, presented resource persons from six companies from the chemical, automotive, beverage, electronic, and BUMN industries.

These include PT Supernova Flexible Packaging, PT Tirta Investama, PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT Sat Nusapersada Tbk, PT AISIN Indonesia Automotive, and PT Amerta Indah Otsuka.

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