JAKARTA - Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) through one of its subsidiaries, namely PT Industri Nabati Lestari (INL), will build a new cooking oil factory with a processing capacity of 2500 tons per day.

The second cooking oil factory (Plant-2) was built in the same location as the previous factory, namely in the Sei Mangkei Simalungun Special Economic Zone, North Sumatra. Meanwhile, the groundbreaking was carried out on Friday 2 December.

President Director of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) Mohammad Abdul Ghani, said that the construction of the new cooking oil factory is one of the strategic programs of PTPN Group to implement national strategic programs (PSN), especially in terms of Downstreaming the Palm Oil Commodity as stated in the Regulation of the Minister for Economic Affairs number 9 of 2022.

"For the next five years, PTPN Group will continue to increase the downstreaming of the food sector through an increase in CPO Production, from 2.67 million tons to 3.3 million tons, as well as an increase in cooking oil production up to four times, or from 460 thousand tons to 1.8 million tons of cooking oil per year," he said.

Abdul Ghani said, previously, PT Industri Nabati sustainable (INL) had a palm oil processing plant with a processing capacity of 750 thousand tons of CPO per year, or the equivalent of 579 thousand tons of cooking oil per year. "The plan is that this new factory will start operating in 2024," he added.

Meanwhile, the Director of PT Industri Nabati Lestari, Hasyim Toriq, said that with the new factory, it is targeted that by 2024, the total capacity of the cooking oil processing plant owned by PT Industri Nabati Lestari can reach 1.5 million tons of CPO per year, or the equivalent of cooking oil production of 1.16 million tons per year. "So far, the average production reaches 90 percent of the total capacity," said Hasyim.

Hasyim said, so far, INL has sold its cooking oil products to foreign markets and domestic markets. For the domestic market, currently PT Industri Nabati Lestari has 4 cooking oil brands, including: Salvaco, INL, Nusakita and Kumita.

With full support from PTPN Group, Hasyim is optimistic that INL will be able to make the best contribution in meeting the needs of cooking oil, both for domestic consumption and the world market with competitive quality and price. In the near future, to fulfill the East Indonesia market, we will also build charging and packaging factories for cooking oil in a number of regions in Indonesia, one of which is in Surabaya," said Hasyim.

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