Financial Performance Affected By Oral And Kuku Diseases, Livestock Company Widodo Makmur Implements Biosecurity
Photo: Doc. Widodo Makmur Perkasa

JAKARTA - Consumer goods and agricultural commodities of PT Widodo Makmur Perkasa Tbk (WMPP) posted a profit of IDR 11.1 billion in the third quarter of 2022. The profit was also accompanied by growth in company assets which grew by 7 percent from last year's period.

Chief Executive Officer Widodo Makmur Tumiyono said that poultry business lines are still the main contributors to the Company's revenue of 61 percent. Followed by 16 percent of beef cattle farming business lines, 15 percent of processed food, 4 percent of agricultural commodities, and 5 percent of energy and construction.

Overall, the Company posted revenues of up to IDR 3.3 trillion in the third quarter of 2022.

Tumiyono explained that the high price of national poultry feed and the impact of the endemic outbreak of oral and nail disease (PMK) on cattle are the main factors that suppress the company's revenue and profit. This is not only experienced by the company but also the poultry and beef cattle industry in general in Indonesia.

"We understand that currently the livestock industry is generally facing challenging conditions, where the price of poultry feed is still expensive and the impact of the PMK endemic has not been completed. We continue to innovate to address these challenges to increase productivity and efficiency," Tumiyono said in his statement, Friday, December 2.

Tumiyono also added that based on national data (FAO Agricultural Outlook) that meat consumption in Indonesia still has the opportunity to rise again. Moreover, the government has also intensified the PMK vaccination program so that it is hoped that the endemic can be completed soon.

In line with the PMK mitigation measures set by the Government, the Company has also implemented a number of preventive measures to keep cattle safe and healthy, such as implementing biosecurity in operations.

Biosecurity is the first security measure taken during an outbreak, so the outbreak does not spread widely. The company also strictly controls access in and out of operational areas to prevent viruses from going outside from entering the Company area.

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