JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) has again adjusted the price of non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM) which officially applies to increase starting December 1, 2022.

Based on VOI's monitoring on Pertamina's official website, the price of Pertamax Turbo fuel was recorded to have increased by Rp900 from the previous Rp14,300 to Rp15,200 per liter throughout Java.

Meanwhile, the previous price for Dexlite was Rp. 18,000, now it costs Rp. 18,300 per liter.

For Pertamax Dex fuel, it increased by Rp250 from Rp18,800 to Rp18,550 per liter.

"PT Pertamina (Persero) has adjusted the price of General fuel oil (BBM) in order to implement the Decree of the Minister (Kepmen) of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as a change to Kepmen No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning the Basic Price Formula in Calculation of the Retail Selling Price Type of General Fuel Oil type and Solar Oil which is channeled through the Public Fuel Filling Station," Pertamina management wrote in its announcement, Thursday, December 1.

The following is a list of new prices for Pertamina's fuel throughout Indonesia which will take effect on December 1, 2022:

1. Nanggroe Aceh Province Darussalam

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

2. Provinces of North Sumatra and West Sumatra

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

3. Riau Province & Riau Islands

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,500

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,800

Dexlite Rp19,000

Pertamina Dex Rp19,600

4. Batam

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,500

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,800

Dexlite Rp19,000

Pertamina Dex Rp19,600

5. Jambi Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

6 Bengkulu Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,500

Pertamax Turbo IDR 15,800

Dexlite Rp19,000

Pertamina Dex Rp19,600

7. Province of South Sumatra

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

8. Bangka Belitung Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

9. Lampung Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

10. DKI Jakarta Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

11. Banten Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

12. Provinces of West Java, Central Java, DIY and East Java

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

13. Bali Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

14. Provinces of NTB and NTT

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp13,900

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,200

Dexlite Rp18,300

Pertamina Dex Rp18,800

15. Provinces of West, Central, South, East, North Kalimantan

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

16. Gorontalo Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

17. Provinces of Central, Southeast, South, West Sulawesi

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

18. Maluku Province & North Maluku

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Dexlite Rp18,650

19. Papua Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Pertamax Turbo Rp15,500

Dexlite Rp18,650

20. West Papua Province

Solar IDR 6,800

Pertalite IDR 10,000

Pertamax Rp14,200

Dexlite Rp18,650

Pertamina Dex Rp19,200

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